With Mother Nature finally granting Boston some spring-like weather, it was a fantastic weekend to be out and about. Add in Bruins and Red Sox games, plus Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger and the city was positively bustling. From great runs and walks, to seeing friends and an out of town adventure, here’s how I spent my weekend.

While I may not have had much time to write blog entries, I did sneak in a few great walks down scenic streets like Marlborough Street in July.
Sometimes it’s hard to be a blogger. While I’m never without a great idea for a post, my busy schedule can make it challenging to translate a great idea into a blog entry. Between, traveling, working long hours, trying to squeeze a little gym time in, and making time for friends, my blog sometimes falls low on the priority list.
While I usually try to focus on everything besides work on this blog, I thought it might be cool to share two of the big reasons why I was running around like a busy bee (versus blogging) during the end of July. During a 10-day span at the end of the month, I found myself crossing the country for two incredibly exciting events.
I almost didn’t believe it this morning when I turned on the TV in my Nashville hotel room and heard the news of Whitey Bulger’s arrest. My first thought? I instantly wished that I was in Boston, hearing the news coverage firsthand from the Boston news outlets. One of my friends phrased it perfectly when they said, “Cannot believe they finally caught Whitey Bulger. Not sure if folks outside of Boston understand how big of deal his capture is in this city.”
I lieu of being in Boston to chat about the story with friends and colleagues, I turned to Facebook and Twitter, both of which were brimming with comments. While many touched upon the significance of Bulger’s arrest, sharing news articles and commentary, others went in an entirely different direction. The blessing and curse of social media sites is that people can say anything they want and Bulger’s notable arrest is no exception.
As a result, I couldn’t resist sharing some of the entertaining posts and tweets I found on Facebook and Twitter – names removed to protect the commentators:
1. Osama’s dead….Bruins won the cup….and now they caught Whitey….WOW.
2. You had a good run Whitey, all good things come to an end.
3. I also enjoy a nice trip to Santa Monica. Good choice, Whitey.
4. OJ confesses and Whitey is captured in the same day. I’m sure there’s an Obama press conference taking credit coming.
5. Boss is all excited that Whitey is in the news. “His brother signed my diploma from UMass” – And people wonder why I got hired.
6. Whitey and I were apparently both in Santa Monica today.
7. Ah #WhiteyBulger looks like a sweet old man in his booking photo.
8. Will there now be a sequel to The Departed?
9. Love the idea I’ve seen on Twitter a few times today, that any news reader doing a piece about #WhiteyBulger should use a Southie accent.
10. Will they bring #WhiteyBulger home on a Duck Boat?
What was your reaction to the news of Whitey Bulger’s arrest?

I'm Thankful for the Boston Public Garden, One of My Favorite Boston Spots. Photo by mdurwin2 from Flickr
As we all know, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we’re thankful for in life. Which, got me thinking – as Bostonians, what are we thankful for in this great city that we call home?
So, I decided to do a little crowd-sourcing on Twitter to my @savvybostonian followers, plus I posted messages on my personal Facebook page and emailed a diverse group of Boston area friends so see what they would come up with.
The goal in posing this question was that anything goes. I wanted answers that were all over the board – from simple, to funny, sacrastic, or sentimental. Lucky for me (and you), that’s exactly what I got.
From sweet to sassy, here is what a sample of your fellow Bostonians are thankful for this year:
Last night, my beloved digital camera met its maker. I had just arrived at a Halloween soiree and was snapping photos with friends. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked the guy in the zebra print spandex to take my photo. Maybe I shouldn’t have been holding onto a very full beverage when I was handed back the camera. Lots of different scenarios have played out in my mind, but ultimately my digital camera looks like a goner.
The photo to the left was taken on my BlackBerry Bold (3.2 megapixels, baby!). And, yes, it’s a container filled with rice and my camera. According to my roommate, “soaking” a camera in a container filled with rice is a way to remove the moisture and may help bring your camera back to life. So far, I haven’t been able to resuscitate it using this method. But, I’m willing to keep it in there longer and see if it could help.
As a tribute to the good times we’ve had together, here are a few of my favorite photos from my Canon PowerShot A1100 during better times:
We dabbled in food photography, inspired by the delicious pizzas made by Gabi Logan of The 30 Minute Dinner Party.
We celebrated the holidays in style.
We successfully hosted a soiree in an apartment void of furniture.
We threw a bridal shower in a perfectly furnished house.
We watched our very best friend get married.
RIP Canon PowerShot A1100. It’s been fun!