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London: A Delightful New Year’s Dinner at NOPI

I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s Eve. In my opinion, it’s a little over-hyped and I’ve always thought that people put a little too much pressure on themselves to have a perfect night. So, when a dear friend suggested that we opt for a late dinner at NOPI in London, I knew this was the right mix of festive and fun without going too crazy!

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London: Innovative Cocktails at Opium

Opium is one of those “blink and you could miss it” places. Located amid the hustle and bustle of Chinatown, I actually did miss it on my first few passes. However, once you climb up a few flights of stairs, all the find and seek is well worth it. Here’s why.


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London: Hermes Wanderland at The Saatchi Gallery

There’s always something interesting happening in London, and this weekend was no exception. When I heard Hermès was hosting an exhibition at The Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea, I immediately marked it on my calendar. While I am familiar with Hermès, the Wanderland experience presented me with a different side of the brand. Unexpected and experiential, I really enjoyed it.

Hermès Wanderland entrance

Hermès Wanderland entrance

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