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Highlights From A Few Fun Days in Boston

I recently had the pleasure of traveling home to Boston and Connecticut for a few days. The reason? My Dad’s birthday! Unfortunately, what I didn’t expect was how snowy it would be. The snow put a bit of a crimp in my plans, but I still made the most of it.

Here are a few highlights from my trip.

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Travel: New Restaurant & Cocktail Bar Discoveries In Paris

My recent trip to Paris was a bit of a tease. I arrived to a beautiful sunny day, only to wake up to an incredibly cold Saturday filled with pouring rain and snow. Snow! Ever the optimist, I instead focused on other elements that would make my little weekend getaway special – namely the food and drinks. Because, if there is ever a city to savor a leisurely meal in, it’s Paris. Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend.

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London: Dining At Soho’s Little Italy

Girl’s night is a treasured tradition among my group of friends. We each take turns planning fun night’s out all over London, with each evening completely different from the previous ones. For our most recent girl’s night, we went to Little Italy in Soho. From classic Italian dishes, to an unexpected magic show and a crowd ready to work off their meal with lots and lots of dancing, this venue has a lot to offer – and then some!

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