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Home Cookin’: Long Live The Donut Muffin

I take no prisoners when it comes to donut muffins.

There’s a lot to love about Healdsburg, California. From great restaurants, to adorable shops and a variety of wine tasting rooms, it’s a great home base away from more touristy wine country towns. That’s lovely and all, but the real reason why I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Healdsburg is because it’s where the donut muffin and I were first introduced.

Located off Healdsburg’s quaint town center park, the donut muffin is made by the Downtown Bakery & Creamery. Not quite a donut and not quite a muffin, this treat is indulgent without being overly sweet. The flavor is inspired by that of a traditional cake donut with a cinnamon/sugar topping.

Donut muffin magic in progress.

After leaving Healdsburg, I had the brilliant thought to google the Downtown Bakery & Creamery’s donut muffin recipe. Through the magic that is internet search, I found the recipe online and quickly went to work in my tiny Boston kitchen.

The end result? Pretty darn good. I couldn’t figure out how to replicate the crisp outer crust to match the donut muffin from the Downtown Barkery & Creamery, but all of my taste testers seemed very pleased. While the recipe is a little labor intensive, mostly because I wanted to make them as mini muffins, versus large muffins, I found the process worthwhile.

The finished product: mini donut muffins!

Tip: Instead of dipping my mini muffins in melted butter, I used a pastry brush and brushed it on. I also gingerly sprinkled the cinnamon/sugar topping instead of rolling. I initially made them this way to make them lighter, but the end result still tasted indulgent, so I’ll continue to do this going forward.

To view the recipe for the Downtown Bakery & Creamery’s Donut Muffin, click here. Buon Appetito!

For more of my recipes, click here.


Travel: Oh. My. Tartine

Tartine Chocolate Tea Cake by jasonlam from Flickr

Let’s just say that I didn’t go hungry during my recent trip to San Francisco. Between jaunts to La Boulange Bakery on Fillmore Street, A16 on Chestnut Street in the Marina, amazing macaroons from Paulette (‘Lette) in Hayes Valley, I was already a happy traveler. Then, I went to Tartine.

If the title of this blog entry is any indication, one visit to Tartine left me positively smitten. It’s exactly the type of bakery I need to live next door to. Chill yet chic, the interior is very simple, yet being there is a special experience. It’s light and airy, but has a unique buzz and vibe all its own. Oh, and then there’s the food!

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Travel: Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA

Interior of The Grove by Jessica Gioglio

It probably won’t come as a surprise to the more frequent readers of this blog, but I adore charming little restaurants and boutiques. When traveling, I purposefully seek out places like San Francisco’s Fillmore Street that contain a mix of both. Delightful, yet not overly posh, this street is situated in the city’s beautiful Pacific Heights neighborhood, and is perfect for a lunch and shopping jaunt.

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Introducing: The SavvyBostonian via Tumblr

Fenway Park by Jessica Gioglio

There’s a new SavvyBostonian in town and she’s set up shop on a brand spanking new Tumblr page! Filled with vibrant photos of Boston, fashion, food, compelling quotes and more, my goal for this site is to make it a daily inspiration page.

Launched nearly two weeks ago, I’ve quickly realized that Tumblr is the perfect place to indulge in my photography obsession. And, indulge I have. From fab fashion bloggers, to foodies, social media strategists, my follower list is eclectic at best. Unfortunately, where I’m lacking is discovering where all of the dynamic Boston-area Tumblr enthusiasts are.

Any Bostonians out there on Tumblr? Know of a cool site I show follow? Leave a comment below with your Tumblr url, or follow my site. I’d love to see how you’re leveraging Tumblr as your personal inspiration page….