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Highlights From A Few Fun Days in Boston

I recently had the pleasure of traveling home to Boston and Connecticut for a few days. The reason? My Dad’s birthday! Unfortunately, what I didn’t expect was how snowy it would be. The snow put a bit of a crimp in my plans, but I still made the most of it.

Here are a few highlights from my trip.

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Travel: New Restaurant & Cocktail Bar Discoveries In Paris

My recent trip to Paris was a bit of a tease. I arrived to a beautiful sunny day, only to wake up to an incredibly cold Saturday filled with pouring rain and snow. Snow! Ever the optimist, I instead focused on other elements that would make my little weekend getaway special – namely the food and drinks. Because, if there is ever a city to savor a leisurely meal in, it’s Paris. Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend.

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London: A Delightful New Year’s Dinner at NOPI

I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s Eve. In my opinion, it’s a little over-hyped and I’ve always thought that people put a little too much pressure on themselves to have a perfect night. So, when a dear friend suggested that we opt for a late dinner at NOPI in London, I knew this was the right mix of festive and fun without going too crazy!

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