A Few Fun Days In Boston

The SavvyBostonian returns! I recently had the pleasure of traveling to Boston for a few fun days of seeing friends, visiting some of my favorite spots and Christmas shopping. Here are the highlights from my visit.

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Recent Highlights: Festive Marylebone & Celebrating My Birthday

Does anyone else ever experience ‘a perfect storm’ leading into Christmas? As in, a million things to do at work, packing to travel for the holiday and purchasing those all-important last-minute gifts. No matter how organized I try to be, it hits me every year! Then, add in the fact that I have a birthday the week before Christmas on December 17. Despite all the craziness, here’s a few recent highlights to share – a festive stroll through Marylebone and how I celebrated my birthday!

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Top Travels of 2018

2018 was another incredible travel year for me. In addition to going back to Boston and Connecticut three times to see family, my passion for travel and my career took me to some pretty amazing places. Here is a recap of my top trips from 2018.

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Recent Highlights: Sipsmith Gin Pop-Up, Christmas Parties & Finding Neverland

‘Tis the season in London…for festive celebrations! Every December, life in London is jam-packed with fun events, Christmas parties, and seasonal pop-ups. For me, this week included all of the above. From a super cool yet festive Sipsmith gin rooftop pop-up lounge to Christmas parties and discovering a chic winter lodge called Neverland, this week was anything but dull.

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