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Travel: A Winter Weekend In Stockholm

One of the perks of living in London is the ability to hop on a plane and in just a few hours arrive in another country. Makes weekend adventures that much more tempting, right? So, when my friend Jake said he would be passing through Stockholm for a weekend and asked if I wanted to join, the answer was a resounding YES!

Plus, Stockholm has been on my travel bucket list for some time. Between the city’s beautiful architecture, unique makeup of islands, great restaurants and shopping, I had a feeling that I would love it there. Turns out I was right…

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9 Places I Loved In Los Angeles

Do you ever stop and realize that you have only been to a certain city for work? As in, you rush in, have your meetings, maybe have a nice meal or two, and then dash home? This has been my relationship with LA! Well, until October 2019.

I decided that I needed to explore more of LA and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Also, I discovered some awesome spots! As a result, I wanted to share a blog post recapping nine places I discovered and loved. There’s also a YouTube video for this post, so depending on how you prefer to consume content, you can also check that out to see more of the spots I am recommending!

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