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Event: A Sneak Peek Inside GE’s Booth at CollegeFest

The GE booth will have this nifty looking MakerBot printing 3D prototype images.

So, there’s this event called CollegeFest this weekend at the Hynes Convention Center. It’s been more than seven years since I was in college, but I imagine it’s the kind of event you’d want to attend if you were still in school – e.g. live music and tons of exhibitors/booth’s promising interesting experiences and freebies. One of those exhibitors, GE, emailed me a sneak peek of their booth that will be outside on the plaza adjacent to the Prudential Center/Hynes Convention Center and said I could share it on my blog. I think GE’s experiential approach to celebrating innovation through marketing and social media is something we can all appreciate and learn from. So, read more for a sneak peek at what they have going on.

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Highlights From Useful Social Media’s Corporate Social Media Summit in New York City

Though it’s been several weeks since I attended Useful Social Media’s Corporate Social Media Summit in New York, I couldn’t resist sharing some of the learning’s with my blog readers. In addition to attending as a panelist, I also enjoyed the opportunity to hear presentations and connect with social media leaders from Lego, Gap, Hilton Worldwide, H&R Block, Whole Foods, JetBlue, and many more.

Here are a few key takeaways:

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Highlights From The Social Media Strategies Summit Chicago

The Art Institute of Chicago

Attending and speaking at a quality conference every few months is fantastic for putting things into perspective and getting the creative juices flowing. From meeting intelligent, enthusiastic professionals, to learning the best practices of dynamic companies, social media conferences are both educational and inspirational. At GSMI’s recent Social Media Strategies Summit in Chicago, I was fortunate to be one of the morning keynote speakers, but also gained many valuable learning’s to share with my favorite blog readers.

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What I’m Reading: BabyCakes, How to Take a Month Off and Top Qualities in a Community Manager

It’s well-documented on this blog that I read…obsessively. From news sites, to books, magazines, a vast array of blogs, social media, public relations and marketing e-newsletters, my inbox is always jam-packed. And, it’s all my fault. But, before you call the producers of hoarders (the e-mail inbox edition), let me share a few unique articles that you may have missed over the past two months. From an interview with the founder of the BabyCakes bakery, to tips on how you can take a month off from work, and qualities essential in a community manager, I hope you will find these articles just as interesting an inspiring as I did.

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Travel: A Month of Planes, Trains & Automobiles in NYC, St. Petersburg & D.C.

Fountain Outside the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park

In January, after checking in at airports three weeks in a row, Foursquare told me I was “pretty fly.” I couldn’t help but agree! As an avid traveler, I cherish any opportunity to go out on the road for work or for play. Here are a few highlights from my month bouncing between New York City, St. Petersburg, Florida and Washington, D.C.

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